Israel Independence Tour

Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948 in a small museum in Tel Aviv. There was a war raging around the leaders of the new country, and they prepared for the event in haste. Everything was meant to be done in secret but moments before the declaration was read, thousands of people filled the streets outside.  Israel’s independence has been celebrated on the Hebrew date of Independence with concerts, fairs, fireworks, and more. But Israel’s independence is also celebrated through citizens’ participation in democracy and by learning about all that went into making the declaration happen.

Founders-Monument Israel Independence Tour
The Independence Trail of Tel Aviv. (Photo of Samantha Israel Tours).

After all, there was more to establish once the state was independent—healthcare, a postal system, a transportation system. Luckily for the leadership, these kinds of state systems were already established by Israel was declared independent. How did that happen? Why did people establish these systems before a state was declared independence? Sometimes it was out of necessity, sometimes it was in preparation for the country’s independence. All of it was crucial in Israel’s state-building, and those who created these systems should be remembered along with Israel’s leaders who declared independence.

Our trip will explore all of this and more! What will we see? Where will we be going?

Dizengoff-statue Israel Independence Tour
Dizengoff Statue on Rothschild Blvd. (Photo by Samantha Israel Tours).

Together we will explore all of this by visiting:

  • The Independence Trail
  • Independence Hall
  • Shalom Tower
  • Carmel Market
  • Bialik House, and
  • The Trempeldor Cemetery
  • Time permitting we will head to Jerusalem to visit the Knesset!

Like many of our other trips, this trip can be made shorter or longer as half day trips, day trips, and two day trips. We can focus on an aspect of state-building that you are particularly interested, or customize the trip for high school students, Political Science college students, or adult leaders from around the world. Contact us to begin planning a trip special for your needs and interests!

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