Yom HaZikaron Day Trip

Yom HaZikaron is Israel’s Memorial Day. One way to remember the service of Israeli soldiers is to go on an Israel Memorial Day Trip. The following itinerary does not have to be on the day of or the day before (Erev Yom HaZikaron) if you are not in Israel at the time. However, it is ideal for Erev Yom HaZikaron.

9:00- Mount Scopus Memorial

Firstly, we will begin Israel Memorial Day Trip at the Mount Scopus Memorial to remember two events that occurred on the Hebrew University Mount Scopus Campus and on the way there.

The first, an attack on a convoy of doctors to the area, killing many. The second a terrorist attack on the Hebrew University Campus.

We will have an introduction to the day and this history of Yom HaZikaron and discuss both of these events that happened here.

10:00- Mount Herzl

Mount Herzl is Israel’s national military cemetery and cemetery for national leaders. It is named after Theodor Herzl, dreamer of a Jewish State and leader of the Zionist movement. He is also buried here at the highest point of the mountain.

We will visit and honor some of the people who gave their lives for the security and existence of Israel.

Mount-Herzl-1 Israel Memorial Day Trip
Yitzhak and Leah Rabin’s Grave at Mount Herzl. (צילום: דר אבישי טייכר. מתוך אתר פיקיוויקי)

11:30- Kiryat Anavim Cemetery

We will Israel Memorial Day Trip Kiryat Anavim is a kibbutz outside of Jerusalem. Members established the Kibbutz before Israel became independent. It had important role in developing the area outside Jerusalem.

We will visit the military section of the cemetery located on the kibbutz to remember the battles kibbutz members fought to create an independent state.

12:30- David Marcus Memorial

David Marcus was an American Jewish soldier who came to Israel specifically to help fight in the War of Independence. He was tragically and accidently killed during the War.

We will visit the memorial created to remember his service, and discuss what it means to serve for a country one was not born in.

13:30- Lunch

Before continuing our Israel Memorial Day Trip, we will stop for lunch.

14:45- Latrun Tank Museum

Following lunch we will visit the museum at Latrun displays tanks and discusses what the wars in Israel were like fighting in the tanks. There is a memorial honoring the soldiers killed during their service in the tank corps.

Latrun-Memorial Israel Memorial Day Trip
Latrun Armor Corps Memorial (צילום: דר אבישי טייכר. מתוך אתר פיקיוויקי).

Therefore, we will visit the museum and the memorial, before heading toward Tel Aviv

15:45- Drive to Tel Aviv

Once we finish the Latrun Memorial, we will head to Tel Aviv, the second largest city in Israel.

16:45- Altelena Memorial

Beginning in Tel Aviv, we will visit the Altelena Memorial. The Altelena was a ship stocked with weapons for Jewish forces at the warfront. Organized and brought by the right- wing military group Lechi, mainstream Jewish forces wanted to distribute them among all the Jewish military groups.

At the memorial we will hear the story of what happened to the Altelena ship, and learn what happens when there is a divide among groups fighting a common cause.

17:30- Dolphinarium

In the 1990’s, the Dolphinarium was a nightclub visited by many young Israelis. One night a terrorist detonated a vest bomb,while waiting in line to get in, killing himself and many others, including many young Russian immigrants. Today it stands empty as a memorial to the attack and the daily fears of the Second Intifada.

Dolphinarium Israel Memorial Day Trip
Dolphinarium in Tel Aviv (דר אבישי טייכר. מתוך אתר פיקיוויקי).

We will hear the whole story here and then take a moment to remember the victims of terror throughout Israel.

18:15- Dinner on the Tel Aviv Promenade

We will then continue to have dinner in one of the many restaurants along the Tel Aviv Promenade for our Israel Memorial Day Trip. We will have time for dinner and some free time to sit on the beach.

20:00- Memorial Service at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv

In conclusion, we will end our Israel Memorial Day Trip at the Memorial Service held at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. The service begins at 8:00 pm with a siren to remember the fallen. After the ceremony, we will head to the hotel for the night.


To learn more of Israel’s Memorial Day, read Israel’s Memorial Day blog.

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