What is this all about?

Israeli Singers Should You Be Jammin’ Out To!

When I was a teenager, I participated in a lot of the teen events of the JCC. It’s how I…

Are These Israeli Authors on Your Bookshelves!!!

I am a bookworm--always have been, always will be. I was that kid who would spend Saturdays snuggled in bed…

What does it mean to have an Israeli Passport?

Passports are not necessarily an item we think about on a day-to-day basis. But they are incredibly important in understanding…

What does it mean to have Sigd in Israel?

The holiday of Sigd is an Ethiopian Jewish holiday that became a national Israeli holiday in 2008. It takes place…

What is Yom Kippur 2018 All About?

Rosh HaShanah has passed. So have the ten days of repentance between then and today, Yom Kippur, or the Day…

Our Trip in Haredi Jerusalem

About a week ago, I attended a trip through Haredi Jerusalem. It was organized for tour guides, much like my…

Downtown Haifa, Who Knew?

Haifa is Israel’s third largest city in the country. It is known for its universities, falafel, and coexistence. It’s a…

Why is the Holy City of Jerusalem SO important?

Why is the Holy City of Jerusalem SO important? Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism, the center of the…

The Balfour Declaration Turns 100 Years Old… Now What?

This year is a big year in Israeli history. It is Israel’s 70th Independence Day, the 70-  year anniversary of…

BDS: Buy Israeli Products! Do the opposite! Support Israel!

Many people in North America and Europe are familiar with the BDS movement. The movement was founded in July 2005…

The Great Adventure of the Ethiopian Aliyah

Before Israel was established, there were five waves of Jewish immigration. The First Aliyah began in 1882, and the Fifth…